Havana, Cuba | Workshop on REDI Project the "Training Center for Restoration and Design"


The Training Center for Restoration and Design – REDI "Restauracion and Diseno" is born in Havana.

The Italian-Cuban cooperation with the prestigious institution of the Oficina del Historiador of LHabana Vieja (OHcH), has provided for the provision by the OHcH of a building located in Calle di Sant Ignazio, undergoing restoration, which will become the place of the REDI Center the "Training Center for Restoration and Design".

Aires Ingegneria, together with other designers selected by Assorestauro, took part in the detailed design for the construction of the new Center, focusing in particular its attention on the design of structures and structural reinforcement.

In the week from 14 to 15 July 2016 Aires Ingegneria also took part in the training workshop held in Havana for the discussion and presentation of the structural design.

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