Aires Ingegneria won the tender for the seismic vulnerability assessment of some buildings of the National Cancer Institute - "G. Pascale Foundation" of Naples as team leader of the joint venture formed with ALL Ingegneria of Ancona.
The Institute "G. Pascale" is part of the structures to be subjected to the seismic assessment as referred to in Ordinance OPCM 3274/2003 and in particular it is part of List "A": Categories of buildings and infrastructural works of strategic interest of regional competence, whose functionality during the seismic events is of fundamental importance for the purposes of civil protection, defined by the resolution of the Regional Government of Campania n. 3573 dated 05/12/2003, which includes “Hospitals and health facilities".
The Institute "G. Pascale" is composed of several buildings with a total consistency of around 200 thousand cubic meters. The buildings consist of different types of structures including reinforced concrete, steel and masonry and some with an elevation above ground that reaches up to 11 floors.