Italian State Property Agency | Seismic Retrofit Program on National scale - Several Lots


Aires Ingegneria is the contractor of several tenders within the seismic retrofit program, which are part of the extensive program carried out by the Italian State Property Agency through its regional centers.

The assignments include consulting services of seismic vulnerability assessments, energy diagnosis, geometric, architectural, technological and plant engineering and technical-economic feasibility design (PFTE), to be carried out in BIM mode (Building Information Modeling) .

The service will be carried out together with leading Italian engineering companies, specialized in the various interested sectors of interest, including ALL Ingegneria Associates (Ancona), Termostudi srl (Ancona), Morciano Ingegneria srl ​​(Lecce), Future Environmental Design (Naples).

Among the tenders object of the assignment we highlight the properties located in the various regions of Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Campania

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